Life Adventures, Philosophy

Love for the Whole Cosmos

“Through my love for you, I want to express my love for the whole cosmos, the whole of humanity, and all beings. By living with you, I want to learn to love everyone and all species. If I succeed in loving you, I will be able to love everyone and all species on Earth… This is the real message of love.”
? Thich Nhat Hanh, Teachings on Love

3 thoughts on “Love for the Whole Cosmos”

  1. …we share the same teachers…visiting your blog reminded me of something i wrote i long time ago now….thanks you bringing it to my remembrance….~~~~^^8^^~~~~

    spring trio
    (from mira’s garden)

    mira knows why

    “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.”
    -Canticles 2.1

    the flowers just blooming
    looking at them her feet began to danse
    unknowing she knows why

    mira is already always in love

    if you cannot see love
    hiding within the coquettish flowers
    unknowing i know why

    you do not look as she through roguish eyes

    the flowers just blooming
    looking at them if your feet do not danse
    here is my elixir

    if you do not yet love as mira loves

    then you need to read more of my poems


    pentecost* in mira’s garden

    “….as of a rushing mighty wind…”
    -Acts 2.2

    in mira’s garden i am listening today
    to whimsy flowers whispering
    hush, pentecost is in the wind

    and i hear mary

    as long as jesus was in the world
    as my child he was the light
    of the world

    in mira’s garden i am watching today
    all the lush flowers blushing
    rush pentecost into the wind

    and i hear mary

    as long as you are in the world
    as my child you are the bridge
    of compassion

    in mira’s garden
    i am praying today
    a blue rose blossoms in my soul
    hush, pentecost is in the wind
    in mira’s garden
    the blue rose whispers
    as you already are beloved
    i always am
    rushing gentler love through the mighty wind


    such secret suchness**

    “Too late, O Ancient Beauty, have I loved thee…”
    -St. Augustine

    my love asked my love for a song of love today

    just this one taste my longing lately grasps
    that no more leads the path from me to you
    all secret doors at last are thrown open
    where starlight melts silence into music

    it is not possible your face to fade
    darker love wrinkling cracks not gently held
    brighter longing seeking not discovers
    rose and thistle do not equally sing

    yet sing as i of love never the same

    an empty mirror floats on a pure pond
    wherein unbroken dreams the moon reflects
    the golden sun piercing her silver heart
    midnight tears transform ever dawning bliss

    birds declare such love as ever the same

    clouds weeping raindrops dissolve into light
    brightest longing seeking not discovers
    darkest love in pieces falls held too tight
    it is not possible such beauty fade

    my love whispered my love such a love song today

    while starlight falls silence becomes music
    all secret doors at last love throws open
    all golden paths melt into emptiness
    just this one taste my longing lately grasps

    there is already always enough suchness
    my love whispered to my love such secrets today
    of beauty already ancient always new

    such secret suchness within all i am all you

    mark emmanuel christopher valentine
    (may 29, 2005

    * 1. Pentecost: (Judaism) Jewish holy day celebrated on the sixth of Sivan to celebrate Moses receiving the Ten Commandments; 2. (Christian) Seventh Sunday after Easter; commemorates the emanation of the Holy Spirit to the apostles

    *** ten (beats is a mystical number of beats per line – two fives, as such expressive of nonduality and completeness as in ten white beads: eleven (two ones side by side) beats per line is a prime number of mystical oneness as in transcendence of emptiness (such suchness or the emptiness of emptiness) as in beyond the interior castle (seven being ‘the perfect number’.

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