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A Letter to the Cabinet of the President of the United States to Invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment

October 14, 2017

Vice President Mike Pence
RE: Removal of the President of the United States invoking the
Twenty-Fifth Amendment. Section IV.

The White House
Office of the Vice President
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington DC, 20500

Dear Vice President Mike Pence,

There comes a time when the leaders of our government must make difficult decisions. That time is now.

It regrettably appears evident that President Donald J. Trump has acquired a position in which he cannot serve. After nine months of his Presidency, he has demonstrated that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Beginning on the day of his inauguration, he has been distracted and disturbed by insignificant and illusory encounters, such as his smaller than expected crowd size, and later of the possibility that millions voted illegally. Rather than seeking to bring our country together through compromise or inspiration, he has created a grand division amongst most Americans.

From children to adults, Americans have traditionally respected the character and wisdom of our presidents. They have sought guidance and moral support. During Donald Trump’s Presidency, his character has been one that seeks constant conflict and discord rather than harmony. He falsely claimed our former president’s birthplace, claimed he was wiretapped, and continues to condemn the validity of our free press whenever it portrays him negatively.

It is reasonable to agree that the President of the United States must possess basic character traits to govern and discharge the duties of his office, such as;

It is with regret that President Donald Trump has proven to be deficient in all these attributes.

The actions of President Trump, before and during his Presidency, have attempted to eradicate the basic principles that founded our nation.

To more fully understand the President’s inadequacy, we must examine his current and past actions. These actions do not portray a reasonable person of peace and poise.

During his Presidency:

Many of these actions can be compared to the nature and psychology of a child. A child must not govern our nation.

Americans love peace. Therefore, during heightened international tensions, we understand that even a misplaced word from the President could cause military conflict. This could mean the suffering and death of millions of people.

A man who demonstrates the unrestrained impulsive anger of a child must never have access to the nuclear codes.


In a dignified way, we must remove the president from office invoking the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. Section IV. We are thankful the President has not suffered an illness or has symptoms of dementia, but he has, without a doubt, proven his incapacity to govern. His removal from office is imperative to help ensure a peaceful future and the self-preservation of our people.

As we continue to understand the nature and character of President Donald J. Trump and realize his nature and character will not change, it is an act of gross negligence to allow him to remain our president. We must not blindly ignore the peril that faces us.

Please reconsider your support for a man who has never held a government position, who has never served in the military, who refuses to relinquish the control of his business empire or disclose his taxes, and should never have been elevated to this office.

It is with much thought and compassion that I write this. I respect the office of the president and the tremendous power it represents. If a president with a reasonable mind can discharge the powers and duties of his office, we will be propelled through positive change. However, if a president cannot discharge the powers and duties of his office, then we have come to a standstill in our evolution as the greatest nation in the world, and are dangerously toppling the building blocks that our forefathers have worked so hard to construct.

Diamond Mike Watson

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