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Your Truth May Not Be Another’s Truth

I joined another large Facebook group. I learned the bigger the group the bigger the lion’s den. Sometimes I feel vulnerable, thinking a lion might attack me at any moment.

I shared my Living Promises, which are brief guidelines to fully live our potential, which include joy, thankfulness, and forgiveness.

Some agreed. Some were confused. One girl said I seemed a little creepy. If I were nine years old I’m sure that comment would have hurt. Fortunately, as I continued reading the comments one lady said she only forgave those who earned her forgiveness. When I questioned her she said she was abused by her father for twelve years. I felt her pain. She even said that many times she thought about “unaliving” herself.

Then I realized the Living Promises may be only MY secrets of the universe, no one else’s. In order for the words to speak to one’s heart they may need to be rephrased for that person’s life experiences.

After searching for so long, perhaps there is no such thing as Ultimate Truth. We all live in our separate universes. This morning, I more fully understand how one person’s view of joy, thankfulness and forgiveness may be different from another’s view.

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