About Diamond Mike

kids, students, winners, awards, diamonds, diamond mike, Gallery of diamonds, newport beach, 92660, why mom deserves a diamond

I was adopted as an infant and grew up in New Albany, Indiana. My adopted mother lovingly instilled in me the idea that all things are possible, and the amazing thing about every day is we create it. In this site you will find wonder, imagination, and the secrets to create your own success.

In honor of my adoptive mother and the birth mother I have never known, I established the Why Mom Deserves a Diamondยฎ contest. Every year, thousands of kids submit words of love and appreciation for the chance to win a diamond or other gemstones to give to their moms. Today the contest is in honor of all moms.

I am the author of Moon Over Mountains- the Search for Mom, The Legend of Why Mom Deserves a Diamond, Tales of Imagination- Everything is Real, and many other books.

I am a GIA gemologist and the founder of Gallery of Diamonds jewelers in Orange County, California. If you live far away, you can order my creations from www.GalleryOfDiamonds.com.

If you would like to see the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond contest grow, please join me. There are many ways you can become a contest supporter. Call me at 714-549-2000, or email me at info@galleryofdiamonds.com.

Have a Diamond Day,
Diamond Mike Watson



225 thoughts on “About Diamond Mike”

  1. Hey Diamond Mike, thank you so much for following “Oceantics”. What a cool bio you have and a wonderful approach to life! Sending you warm wishes from Canada (even though our weather isn’t, always). ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by and following my photoblog! I appreciate each ‘follower’ and hope my images bring smiles and ‘oooos’ and ‘ahhhhhs’ to others in the same way your diamonds do! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. You have a wonderfully fantastic life-story, Michael. What an inspiration you are to so many people! There is so much one can learn from you. I appreciate you sharing your time!

  4. Hi Mike! Thank you for following our blog. We are looking to learning more about you and reading more of your lovely stories! We are based out of the Orange County area as well. Nice to meet a fellow OC blogger on here.

  5. Hi Diamond Mike, what a great name! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to seeing your comments.

  6. Thanks so much for visiting and following my blog Michael. Why Mum Deserves A Diamond is a great initiative, it’s always so great seeing things like this. Keep up the work :).

  7. Thanks for coming by to like my last post at Backyard Philosophy. You have a very uplifting blog! Cheers,

  8. Mike. Thanks for following “breathe.” After reading your About page, I think you might be interested in an organization called Adoption Share founded by Thea Ramirez (who is also an advocate of adoption reform). You can find information here:
    It was recently featured on CNN. I have no personal connection to it so this isn’t a shameless plug, but I’ve met the founder and heard her speak. Her passion runs deep and true.

  9. Thanks for following my blog…look forward to your posts. Diamonds are truly a girl’s best friend! It is my weakness…also my husband worked in the field of children and family services for years..adoptions, foster care, etc…so can relate!

  10. Thanks for following my blog! I like what you are doing with the essay contest – great idea! My own mother died when I was 15 and I still think about her every day.

  11. Thank you for venturing over to my Insanity blog and choosing to follow. How great! Very nice blog you have, more so, very nice mission. Best to you ~ Samantha

  12. Hey Mike!! Thanks for checking out my page and following. I hope that I’ll keep your interest and welcome any suggestions or tips you may have. Best of luck to you in this venture and all you do.

  13. Hi Mike, thank you so much for checking out my blog. I really enjoyed reading your most recent post and I look forward to reading more. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Thank you for following my Blog, and do drop by again. I think you are doing some very meaningful work. I’ll check out your Blog again.

  15. Hi there! Thanks a bunch for stopping by my blog. I’m so glad you liked it enough to follow. I hope you like what you read in the future ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Hi Mike

    Well, good! Here is my e-mail knowledgeknut@gmail.com. You can send me your mailing address and let me ask you a few questions, so I can determine what would be a good prize for you and we will go from there!


  17. MIke, thanks for following ritaLOVEStoWRITE. Your blog and your essay contest “Why Mom Deserves a Diamond” are both inspiring and lovely. Thanks for making my Sunday morning a little brighter. Cheers, Rita

  18. Hi Mike, thank you for joining me at in other words and pictures. I have a friend and former co-worker that recently met her younger brother who was adopted. A new chapter in their lives.. I have read a few books on families that have adopted children from China. It’s good to hear of your interest.. (:

  19. Hei Mike, thanks for the ‘follow’. I shall make a point of checking out more of yours. In my case “You gotta be grateful for Grandparents.”

    Lykke til and slainte mhath,


  20. Thank you Mike, I am honored to have somehow inspired you to follow my page. I can see by yours that you are a very Beautiful soul thank you and I look forward to reading and following your works.

  21. Please note that my Birthday is 12 March, and I have absolutely no problem with accepting gifts (especially shiny ones) from strangers. Yet another interesting blogger … and I am assuming that you have a hankering for all things 70’s (maybe early 80’s) – judging from your cloud of curls so reminicient of that time? Appreciate the groovy follow, man!

  22. Mike thanks for visiting my blog…your heart shines from within with your efforts! That makes you a very special person in my book. Blessings to you my friend!

  23. Welcome! Thank you for subscribing to follow my blog. I hope you are encouraged, inspired and enjoy the photos I take of life events as seen through the lens of my camera.

  24. Thanks for the follow Mike it’s really appeciated. Your story struck home for me. I adopted my son at age 12 and was lucky enough to help him with his search for lost family. We discovered some nice things and some not so nice but in the end we did find two brothers he had no knowlege of. It was the best! Good luck to you.

    1. I’m glad the search resulted in positive things for you and your family. Support from family is so important in a search for truth, and it sounds like you have a strong, loving family network! Love like that brings much positivity into the world. Thanks for commenting!

  25. I knew Mike as a fairly quiet fellow and efficient student in junior high 40 years ago in New Albany, Ind. The passion of his longing to know his birth mother and background was not apparent to me. Then as a journalist for an Indiana section of the Courier-Journal in Louisville, I wrote about an entrant in the “Why Mom Deserves a Diamond” contest and Michael Watson’s whole story intrigued me. I learned it all when I read “In Search of Mom” in 2011. It was a moving and delightful book! Mike clearly puts his whole heart into all his endeavors.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, George. It is funny that a โ€œquiet fellowโ€ seemed to be such an accurate description of myself in middle school. Iโ€™m sure my family and employees wished I had that same demeanor today. Iโ€™m so glad you enjoyed my book, George, and thank you for being such an important part of the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond contest. PS. Iโ€™m glad I fooled you on being an โ€œefficient student.โ€

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