About Diamond Mike

kids, students, winners, awards, diamonds, diamond mike, Gallery of diamonds, newport beach, 92660, why mom deserves a diamond

I was adopted as an infant and grew up in New Albany, Indiana. My adopted mother lovingly instilled in me the idea that all things are possible, and the amazing thing about every day is we create it. In this site you will find wonder, imagination, and the secrets to create your own success.

In honor of my adoptive mother and the birth mother I have never known, I established the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond® contest. Every year, thousands of kids submit words of love and appreciation for the chance to win a diamond or other gemstones to give to their moms. Today the contest is in honor of all moms.

I am the author of Moon Over Mountains- the Search for Mom, The Legend of Why Mom Deserves a Diamond, Tales of Imagination- Everything is Real, and many other books.

I am a GIA gemologist and the founder of Gallery of Diamonds jewelers in Orange County, California. If you live far away, you can order my creations from www.GalleryOfDiamonds.com.

If you would like to see the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond contest grow, please join me. There are many ways you can become a contest supporter. Call me at 714-549-2000, or email me at info@galleryofdiamonds.com.

Have a Diamond Day,
Diamond Mike Watson



225 thoughts on “About Diamond Mike”

  1. You had me at “diamond”! I can see the GIA from my house, for reals! I’m just down the way from you a bit. SCPlaza is one of my favorite destinations! Thanks for visiting Enchanted.

  2. I’m having fun looking around your blog – thanks so much for stopping by mine and leaving a “like” (which I think you’ve done before). It gave me a great excuse to visit you back.

  3. Thanks for dropping by my blog! You gained an instant new follower the second I read one of your short stories 🙂 Your essay contest sounds fantastic, btw – such a lovely idea.

  4. Thanks for the like Diamond Mike. Loving the young mike hair, and your ‘older’ photos look like Lord Sugar! ( Look him up, he is real) Regards from rainy old England. Pete.

  5. Thanks for visiting and following my blog “Eyes to Heart.” I look forward to check out your blog more thoroughly once the silly season is behind us. … All the best of the season to you … Be well, Dorothy 🙂

  6. Hi. Thanks for liking my blog ^_^ and it was a suprised that you are a “diamond guy”. Never have it in my live and would like to have it one day. Since no shining armor prince will give me a diamond, I have to save every dime. For a while, I will keep my eye on your blog and learn about this beautiful carbon called diamond.

  7. hi mike! thank you for following my blog. it is great to have you in my community. ill get to see more of your posts but i tell you i enjoy some of them. take care!

  8. Mike – thanks for following my blog whatimuptotoday, I do appreciate it. I am enjoying roaming around your blog – it is great!

  9. Hey thanks for following my blog MG Boad! I enjoyed reading your more inspirational posts and your posts on Mothers. Looking forward to reading your other posts!

  10. Many thanks for liking my blog! I love your blog for your positive messages about mothers which reminds me of my beloved Mom who passed away 2 weeks ago. Indeed she was a jewel, worth beyond the diamonds in this world. Keep writing and let’s get in touch soon!

  11. Hey, thanks for stopping by and following my blog! It means a lot to me.. And anyway, I’m looking forward to your blog, it inspires me to be someone better 🙂

  12. First, thank you for liking my blog. I love the fact that you wanted to honor both your adoptive and birth mothers. I too am adopted and have met my birthmother. I am thankful to have two lovely women in my life who love me. My mother, who raised me so well, and my birthmother, who made such an unselfish choice all those years ago.

  13. Dear Mike, thank you for visiting and following my blog. May you and your path continue to be illuminated and shine ever so brightly like sparkling diamonds (pun intended :-)), and may you continue to be Divinely led and guided. Much blessings, namaste. ???Nadine Marie???

  14. Thanks for following my blog. I love your Mom Deserves Diamonds idea since my husband was adopted as was my son-in-law. It’s wonderful that you’ve dedicated it to both of your moms. Hope you continue to enjoy Bananas and Prunes.

  15. Diamonds, my ex (whom I’m still friends with 15 years of marriage later) is a diamond dealer in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Haven’t come across anyone else in the diamond industry since.

  16. Thanks for following my blog. I hope you try out a few of the recipes sometime and let me know what you think of them.

  17. Who better to advocate for adoptive & birth moms!?! Would love to have coffee with you & hear your stories someday, planning a trip to Hong Kong anytime soon?? I wish adoption was an easier journey across this world, it’s been a while & we’re still trying to “$qualify$”! (Our line of work is more about living simply, if you know what I mean…) But then we have friends who have successfully adopted 3 or 4 in the time we’ve been crunching numbers & moving countries…

    Curious what brought you by our blog recently?? In any case, thanks for following our journey & adventures in Hong Kong! We hope you’ll join in the conversation on your next visit to the site… Blessings to you today! -jk

  18. Wow, you are an interesting person! It’s nice to see yet another face fighting for children and their rights! I’ve been talking very seriously with my mom about starting a blog for her concerning education, children’s rights, and the effects and repercussions of state agencies such as DCF/YFA/HRS/etc. (my mom has devoted her life to childcare). I’ll send you the link when we get it off the ground!

  19. Hi Mike, thanks for stopping by and hitting the follow button. Out of curiosity, what grabbed your attention – is it the music aspect or did you clock the reference to my adoption in a recent post? Either way, thanks again. Will check your stuff out, too.

    1. Hello, Guls. Being a musician, anything about the industry always grabs my attention. I’ll be sure to come back to your blog to learn more about you. Thanks, Guls.

      1. What kinda music do you play? Have you played on any records I might have heard of? Post a link if you like – I’m always up for hearing new stuff.


  20. Diamonds, a woman’s best friend… I have no mate in my life, not because I don’t want one, but I believe no one wants to bother with me. I took care of my ill father for one year, and then he passed. a week later my brother had a heart attack and is mildly mentally challenged, and is a now suffering in the fifth stages of Parkinson’s Disease. I don’t think men want to date when a lady is wrapped up with 24 hour care, but this girl once bought herself a very tiny diamond ring, because I thought I was worth it. My very own Christmas gift!!!!
    Well anyways, so nice to meet you and I see you have many followers, so I will just go sit with all of the other followers and blend in nicely!!!! Nice to meet you and thank you for following my blog. Bring a cup of coffee next time, sit and read my blogs and let’s chat!

  21. A real Diamond guy!! Thanks for liking my poem. Hope you return to my blog now and again. I would love some apppreciation from my sons!! ( they are great, but don’t know its all down to me!!)

  22. I thank you Diamond Mike for liking and following my humble little site.
    It does put a smile across my face when I see that a Gentlemen likes, comments or follows, though sometimes I am befuddles as to why. 🙂
    Such an interesting looking site, I will have some catch up reading to do.
    Thank you.

  23. Hey, thanks for following my blog. I noticed you’ve got a penchant for writing interesting short stories… keep it up and I’ll keep reading ’em! 😀

  24. Thanks for following the Be the Change blog…..I love your positive message, especially about moms. Positive change is what we are all about!

  25. Hey There! Thank you for following my poetry blog, “The Poem Invents You Twenty Times Over”. I’m very appreciative. Your blog is very interesting as well. I can’t wait to catch up. Thanks again.

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