Life Adventures, Philosophy, Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

To Be Human

As we prepare for the future, we realize that the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond® contest serves a very important purpose, and that is to bring back human connection into our world.

With our new technology, more and more people communicate with each other electronically.  We constantly turn our attention to computers and smart phones. This phenomena has diluted our interpersonal interaction that has been so instilled into us since the beginning of our civilization. The inflection of our voices, the nuances in our eyebrows, and all the micro expressions we use to communicate our thoughts and feelings are becoming lost in texts and screen monitors.

I am thankful to be a witness in the real interactions of many thousands of kids and their moms. There is nothing that replaces face to face exchange and hugs between two persons.  Since 1993, the contest has always required a contest winner to recite his or her winning essay to mom. Now, twenty one years later, I am so thrilled to be a part of this legacy.

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