Thank you, teachers, for playing such an important part in the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond contest. Many of you are now old friends. For those I have not had the pleasure of meeting, I feel I know you from the stacks of entries that come across my desk every year with your names written on them. If it were not for you, there would not be a writing contest that has lasted for 22 years.
I have been a jeweler for many years, but the contest has given myself and employees an extra purpose in life, and that is to allow every child the opportunity to express their appreciation for their moms through their written and spoken words. Positive words inspire us, and the contest is based on the power and everlasting benefits of these words.
When you say the contest fulfills the Common Core Standards of figurative language and enhances creative writing skills, this is just the beginning. We may never fully understand the positive impact we are making in the lives of these young adults. When winners come to select their gemstone prizes, they are so proud, which is the first step in building self-esteem and preparing them for all the success that life is ready to offer.
Thank you for being contest panel judges, thank you for encouraging your co-workers to participate, and thank you for your special talents.
Together let’s continue to create a better world.