Upon close inspection, you can see the reflection of Gallery of Diamonds in my iris. If the camera was angled differently, some essays of our mother’s contest would be detected. You might see my new mothers jewelry designs.
During the last twenty-five years it has been a challenge to separate two passions of my life. The first passion is creating the awareness about adoptees who are left in the darkness of their origins. The second passion is to continue the fairytale legacy of the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond contest.
Some think I began the contest when I found my birthmother. The truth is I was still searching for her. The contest began at a time my life was filled with more questions than answers. It began during the possibility that I would never know how I got here. Whether or not I would meet this mystery woman, I wanted kids to express their appreciation for their mothers.
I was fortunate in being adopted by loving parents. I may have been loved more fervently than kids who are born from biological parents. I was held, squeezed, and given much affection. I never doubted who was my mom. Her name was Martha. She and my dad drove to an Indianapolis hospital the third day after I was born. They signed the necessary papers and gave me a warm home in a Southern Indiana town called New Albany. Like me, they never saw my birthmother.
It was the understanding of my mom that taught me compassion toward my birthmother, Betty Price. At 22 years old, after giving birth to two previous children, Betty signed a form to forever relinquish me to another set of parents. On that cold day in February, 1958, I would be severed from my birthmother and my brother and sister. I have no doubt she would have loved me. How could anyone not love me? I’m sure she weighed her options and did what she thought was best at that time. I know it was an act of love.
For those who have witnessed the mother and child experience of the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond contest, know that it began with deep love. What began humbly in honor of both my mothers evolved into a necessary ingredient, and that is to express our gratitude for all moms.
I have contemplated the meaning of “mom” most of my life. It is no wonder the word reflects back from my eyes. Knowing we are loved gives us the power to transform the world in a positive way.
Now, take a picture of your eye. Look closely, what reflections do you see in the background? Post your picture.
For an autographed copy of my new book, Moon Over Mountains, please go to this link. Thank you. http://www.whymomdeservesadiamond.com/books.html.