This building is the home of Gallery of Diamonds. Nazareth is the tree on the right. He stands 5 feet from the building. Nadine is on the left. Nadine is 10 feet away from the building.

I was given a form by the management asking my permission to remove Nadine. WHY? She was healthy, was not causing any harm, and was beneficial to the parks ecology according to a tree assessment report. If one’s reason for removal was potential structural damage, why would one chose the tree that stands twice as far away?
What would justify removing a 30-year old healthy pine that gave thousands of pounds of oxygen and refuge to hummingbirds and squirrels? Did someone complain that a pine cone fell on the roof? Did someone request removal so a business sign could easily be seen if erected on the building? Did the management want to thin out the trees so drivers would notice the buildings from the freeway?
I checked NO on the form and signed.
Nadine was saved from the teeth of a chainsaw. I still acknowledge her every day on my stroll around the pond. But the management refused to hear my plea for the other 29 majestic pines that were chopped down. This included my friends Pax, Jasmine, Lydian. Dorian, Apollo, Zella, Astoria and Stacia.
Please sign our petition to stop the removal of these trees.
Thank you. Here is the link to Change. Org: