In 1993, shortly after I had decided to rebuild my life in California, six of my friends came over for refreshments. As we huddled together, we realized the different shades of our skin and contours of our faces. The seven of us represented six countries; Switzerland, Thailand, Iran, Israel, Guatemala, and the United States. We planned… Continue reading 22nd Annual International Dinner
Tag: friends
Love Your Enemies
Loving one’s enemy might seem like an impossible task, but if one really takes the time to understand the person who causes you to suffer, that person is no longer an enemy. It is much more difficult for one to see the similarity in others than to see ones differences. If we look deeply at… Continue reading Love Your Enemies
The International Dinner
Today we bring food from our countries As we sit and eat with people from all nations It is easier to see our sameness than our differences We are all interwoven Today we savor our fellowship And flavors of our cultures Undivided by flags or borders We see the reflection of ourselves The mirror of… Continue reading The International Dinner
The International Dinner Party
The World Table
Nineteen years ago, in the summer of 1993, seven of my friends got together. Realizing the rich differences of our backgrounds, we decided to have a dinner in which each person would have to bring a dish of food from their native country. We dubbed it the International Party. One friend brought chicken with peanut… Continue reading The World Table