Amazing Today, Jewelry, Life Adventures, Philosophy

You are a Living Masterpiece

Downtown Los Angeles was scorching hot as I strolled onto a busy street corner filled with impatient jewelers and diamond merchants.  A handsome young man vied for my attention with a brochure in an outstretched arm.  “Thank you,” I said, accepting his offering.  I glanced down and it said, “Join Our Christian Fellowship.”   I… Continue reading You are a Living Masterpiece

Amazing Today, Life Adventures, Philosophy

Be Thankful for your Suffering.

Hooray! I survived Covid (actually, being vaccinated I recuperated quickly.) But I got shingles at the same time! I feel somewhat slighted because I couldn’t separate the Covid experience with the other ailment. I’m not complaining. Soon I will be jumping around. I try to live as I teach and I am thankful for this… Continue reading Be Thankful for your Suffering.

Amazing Today, FlyUp!, Gallery of Diamonds, Jewelry, Life Adventures, Philosophy

Living Promises

By Diamond Mike Watson. Fountains Living Promises pendant. I created the Living Promises pendant and its verses for a user to summon any positive virtue. Forged in precious metal, the Living Promises pendant renders its charm with positive thought. The inspiration of the design came from a sketch my adoptive mother, Martha, drew when he… Continue reading Living Promises