Life Adventures, Society

Seven Seconds

In 2016, a man appeared out of nowhere onto our television screens. He proclaimed, "I, Donald  J. Trump, am running for the president of the United States." We saw a person who stood tall and looked straight into the camera without blinking. We heard what sounded like the brave conviction of a person who promised… Continue reading Seven Seconds

Childhood Memories, Life Adventures, Philosophy, Society

Blinded by our Light

At an early age, my adoptive mother taught me to be compassionate, kind, and to respect every human being. She instructed me to be slow to anger, to laugh at myself, and to look at myself first before finding fault in others. She told me to enjoy life without fear and to always stand up… Continue reading Blinded by our Light

Life Adventures, Society

Dear Friends,

Dear friends, I apologize if my sense of humor has been partially replaced with current political issues I believe are destructive. If I say, “the election is over”, “let it go”, or “give the president a chance”, it proclaims that I am not willing to stand up for those I feel have been harmed by… Continue reading Dear Friends,