Life Adventures, Philosophy, Society

Technology and Mankind

We invent a vehicle that can transport us back and forth to work and for family vacations. Then we use it to plow through a crowd of bystanders.  We invent a flying machine that can soar above the clouds as we travel to faraway lands. Then we use it to destroy skyscrapers.  We learn how… Continue reading Technology and Mankind

Life Adventures, Society

Ignoring Science will Not make Science Go Away.

The Trump administration has banned seven words and phrases for the Center of Disease control (CDC) for next year's budget papers. These include: science-based, transgender, diversity, entitlement, vulnerable, fetus, and evidence-based. Last March the same administration eliminated the word "science" from the EPA's website mission statement. The word was changed to the phrase, "economically… Continue reading Ignoring Science will Not make Science Go Away.