See my 2-minute instructional video here:
Due to the overwhelming response to my homemade cupcakes, I made a tutorial how to make these delicious treats. Never say,”I don’t have time” or, “There’s no way I could do that!” Believe me, my first batch turned out horrible. With practice, will become an expert baker and everyone in your family will be begging you for more.
Make sure you have an accurate measuring cup and use the exact amount of mix required.
Everyone knows what a half cup of milk is.
Adding an egg gives you the confidence to tell your family you made the cupcakes from scratch and not just out of the box.
Blend the mix carefully on high speed. Remove large lumps.
Ladle evenly into each cupcake liner. (This recipe called for 12 cupcakes so that is the same as 24 mini-cupcakes.)
I also get confused if the recipe says 350 degrees at 18 minutes or 18 degrees at 350 minutes. Always keep the instructions on the recipe box handy.
Prepare frosting (or icing). My favorite color is purple. Use 8 drops of red food coloring and 8 drops of blue. Experiment to get the color you like.
Transport purple frosting into a zip lock bag. (I will explain later.)
Out of oven. Beautiful!
Allow to cool.
A moist cupcake should have the right bounce. Toss a couple into the air and examine the bounce on a hard surface. No bounce means they were baked to long and probably will be as hard as a rock. It will take a lot of milk to rinse no-bounce cupcakes down the throat. A slight bounce should assure the cupcakes are nice and moist.
Now take the bag of frosting and cut a tiny hole in one end. This is the fun part. Gently squeeze the bag and twirl over each cupcake to make a swirl. Note: This takes a lot of practice and a steady hand. Be patient. With time you will have perfect swirls. Also, some of your guests will not like frosting. Always leave a few without it.
Caution: Sometimes the ziplock back will burst or come unzipped. When this happens use your fingers or a knife to evenly spread frosting on the rest of the cupcakes.
Ta da! You have made your first batch of beautiful cupcakes. To make sure I did a good job I do the “Grizzly challenge.” If he licks his lip, I know I was successful. (Warning: Do not give chocolate to a dog- it is poisonous! Give him a doggy treat.)
Who wants to join me to a delicious chocolate cupcake with purple frosting?