Adoption, Life Adventures

Would I Be the Same Person?

Although I loved my adoptive parents, I always wondered how I originated on earth.  Mom and Dad we’re both fair skinned.  Dad was tall and slim.  I was olive complected with thick, dark, curly hair.  Dad’s nose was long. Mine was wide.  The Holy Bible always rested in the living room.  Through the miracle of DNA and the help from… Continue reading Would I Be the Same Person?

Adoption, Amazing Today, Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

To those Who Love Us

Inside the womb, the outside arguments of anger and despair were muffled. I didn't see the pain my birthmother must have experienced while I was protected inside her. During non-violent times, I know she sang to me through the walls of flesh that separated us. In the hospital, the sounds were replaced by the shuffling… Continue reading To those Who Love Us