Adoption, Life Adventures

Birth Certificates

Here are my (two) very different birth certificates.  The first one is the amended one given to my adoptive parents and then given to me.  The second is my original birth certificate that took me 36 years to receive (only after I could prove to the State of Indiana that my birthmother had died and… Continue reading Birth Certificates

Adoption, Life Adventures

Three Wedding License Applications

Here are three wedding license applications for Carl Price, Jr., in order by date of marriage: Carl Price and Sarah Weeks Carl Price and Betty Stewart (my birthmother) Carl Price and Shirley Gregg It is striking to notice the closeness of the marriage and divorce dates, the differences of ages in the groom and brides,… Continue reading Three Wedding License Applications

Adoption, Life Adventures

Deborah Kay, We Will Never Stop Searching for You

To my sister, Deborah Kay, 62 years have passed since the day you were born. I wanted you to see the work your family, your internet friends, and myself have done to try and find you. What happened? Were you adopted? Stolen? Or something more sinister? It took me twenty years to find myself. Now… Continue reading Deborah Kay, We Will Never Stop Searching for You

mom, child, happy, kind, together, one, love, black and white, diamondmikewatson, newport beach, 92660
Adoption, Life Adventures

We will find you, Deborah Kay

September 4, 1994 is a historic date. At least for me. In the town of New Albany, Indiana, I met my birth family for the first time- uncles, aunts, a cousin, even a grandmother. We agreed to meet at my childhood home where my adoptive parents still lived. This might not sound exciting to you.… Continue reading We will find you, Deborah Kay

mom, child, happy, kind, together, one, love, black and white, diamondmikewatson, newport beach, 92660
Adoption, Family Life, Life Adventures

Police Report

Today I filed a missing persons report for my sister, Debra Kay. It appears there was never such a report filed since she vanished as a child. This will be submitted to the Indianapolis police, where my birthmother was living at the time of her disappearance. I hope the relationships I have forged with my… Continue reading Police Report

Adoption, Philosophy

Kitten in a Box

One day my daughter returned from school when she noticed a young lad in the parking lot of a gas station offering free kittens from a cardboard box. "This one is named...Lola," the boy searched for a name as he cuddled one of the furry creatures. "She is so lovable and kind," the boy continued… Continue reading Kitten in a Box


Inside the Womb

October, 1957. This pregnant lady is the birthmother I have never known. The amazing thing is realizing that I am growing in her womb, and that I was born four months after this photo was taken.  I was never told as child , "You came from mommy's tummy." For so many years, I thought a… Continue reading Inside the Womb


What Happened to Deborah Kay?

12-29-1951. My birthmother, Betty Stewart, marries her first husband, Carl Price. Betty was 16 years old. Carl was 26. My sister, Deborah Kay Price, was born 12-6-1955. Betty and Carl divorced 9-15-1955. Debra Kay disappeared before her first birthday. What happened to her?


Help Find My Sister

UPDATED INFORMATION. This little girl is my sister. This is the last picture taken before she disappeared. She was named Deborah Kay Price and was born on 12-6-1955 at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. My birthmother (who resembles Lucille Ball in photo) was Betty Price. Betty married Carl Price 12-29-1951. Carl was born 7-8-1926. He was… Continue reading Help Find My Sister