Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

What Single Word Describes Mom?

In 2006, we began to compile an archive of every winning submission (also called entry or essay) since 1993. Since the essays had previously been key typed into a word processing application, none of the submissions could be used in any type of calculation. This required the tedious process of copying and pasting each individual… Continue reading What Single Word Describes Mom?

Gallery of Diamonds, Life Adventures, Philosophy, Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

The Benefit of Giving

Years ago I remember spending time with my little girl reading children's books.  I’m not sure who enjoyed the stories more but there is one tale I will never forget.  It was called, "Milo and the Magical Stones." Milo was a mouse that lived on an island with other mice. He discovered a beautiful, shiny,… Continue reading The Benefit of Giving