Adoption, Life Adventures

The Tombstone

This may be a startling picture but my sister and I wanted to capture an image to show others how all things are possible in the matrix of our lives.  Although the matching of our DNA proved we were siblings, there were other factors that were necessary for our reunion: We never gave up. We… Continue reading The Tombstone


To Adoptees: Enjoy the Ride of your Journey

At seventeen dad gave me his old car.   I was free to go anywhere.  While friends planned parties, I planned my first trip to Indianapolis to search for the woman who gave birth to me.  I would later find her, although deceased, nearly twenty years later.  I met uncles, aunts, cousins, a grandmother and even two brothers and… Continue reading To Adoptees: Enjoy the Ride of your Journey

Adoption, Life Adventures

One Year Ago

  On May 1, 2019 I spoke to my vanished sister, Deborah Kay, for the first time. When I was shown this old photo of her in our birthmother’s arms no one told me what happened to her. Was she adopted? Was she kidnapped? Did she die? My sister, born as Deborah Kay Price, is… Continue reading One Year Ago

Adoption, Life Adventures

He found his birth family 35 years later. Then he helped them find a ‘vanished’ sister.

Arika Herron, Indianapolis Star Published 5:14 p.m. ET Aug. 24, 2019.\ Everyone in “Diamond” Mike Watson’s life told him he should give up. The baby in the 60-year-old photograph was probably dead. And if she wasn’t, they said, she may not want to be found. It wasn’t out of callousness or apathy. The opposite… Continue reading He found his birth family 35 years later. Then he helped them find a ‘vanished’ sister.