Life Adventures, Society

Teachers are not Killers

As mass shootings become rampant in our schools, teachers, students, and citizens alike are desperate for a solution. I loved my high school teachers. Most were kind. Some were funny. All were smart. The president has been pushing his idea of these same teachers to conceal weapons. Since a military-style AR-15 is the weapon of… Continue reading Teachers are not Killers

Life Adventures, Society

Guns and Teachers do not Mix

Arming teachers with guns must have been an off the cuff remark by the President. And although I believe he knows it was a ridiculous thing to come from his lips, it is not Trumps style to admit that this preposterous idea would actually add potential harm to our teachers and students. I know nearly… Continue reading Guns and Teachers do not Mix

Life Adventures, Society

Ignoring Science will Not make Science Go Away.

The Trump administration has banned seven words and phrases for the Center of Disease control (CDC) for next year's budget papers. These include: science-based, transgender, diversity, entitlement, vulnerable, fetus, and evidence-based. Last March the same administration eliminated the word "science" from the EPA's website mission statement. The word was changed to the phrase, "economically… Continue reading Ignoring Science will Not make Science Go Away.

Life Adventures, Society

Should the President be Fired?

If an employer knew a worker re-tweeted anti-Muslim propaganda or videos, should he or she terminate the worker? What does the President have to do to be fired? Since he holds the highest title of the land, should he be untouchable, never being held accountable for his behavior? Would playing hate-inspired videos for your kids… Continue reading Should the President be Fired?

Life Adventures, Society

Crime Against Humanity

I smoked cigarettes as a teenager. I didn’t think I was stupid. After all, many of my friends smoked, including my own father. That was during a time when there was no proof that smoking was bad for ones health. I remember the lush magazine advertisements touting not only the pleasures of smoking tobacco, but… Continue reading Crime Against Humanity

Life Adventures, Society

The Shooter is Dead. Should We Feel Safe?

After the Texas mass shooting that killed 26 people, or 4% of the little towns population, I hope we will all get a good nights sleep tonight. The shooter is dead. After all, guns don't kill people, you say. People kill people. But is there another shooter out there somewhere? Why do we love guns?… Continue reading The Shooter is Dead. Should We Feel Safe?

Life Adventures, Society

A Letter to the Cabinet of the President of the United States to Invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment

October 14, 2017 Vice President Mike Pence RE: Removal of the President of the United States invoking the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. Section IV. The White House Office of the Vice President 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC, 20500 Dear Vice President Mike Pence, There comes a time when the leaders of our government must make difficult… Continue reading A Letter to the Cabinet of the President of the United States to Invoke the Twenty-Fifth Amendment

Childhood Memories, Life Adventures, Philosophy, Society

Never Be Afraid of a Bully

When I was a child, my adoptive father would always joke with me, telling me that he and my adoptive mom picked me out from a room of babies. "I want the curly-headed one over there," he told me he said to the nurses. For years, I happily believed this story of my beginnings. When… Continue reading Never Be Afraid of a Bully

Life Adventures, Society

The 25th Amendment

President Donald Trump has acquired a position in which he cannot serve. He awakened our darker side by promoting fear and discord. He reminded us to check our doors and lock our windows. He made us pause before interacting with someone outside our religion or race. He made us suspicious that most Mexicans were rapists… Continue reading The 25th Amendment

Life Adventures, Society

The Tweet that Changed the World

Never in history have we had a direct line to the President of the United States. Although it is only a one-way communication, his tweets give us the real-time thoughts of a man who holds the highest title of the land. I remind myself that real life happens outside the rectangular rim of my iPad.… Continue reading The Tweet that Changed the World

Childhood Memories, Life Adventures, Philosophy, Society

We must not Stand Silently

Sometimes a seemingly insignificant event in one's life may later turn out to change that person forever. That person was me. When I was a teenager I took my girlfriend to the fair with friends. An elderly lady was caught in a bustling strip of rides and fairgoers and was knocked down by some running… Continue reading We must not Stand Silently

Life Adventures, Society

Does Donald Trump Understand Human Compassion?

Donald Trump has been on the Howard Stern Show many times before he ran for president. Most of these interviews are easy to find on the internet. I believe that in understanding another's essence, one simply needs to listen to the words they speak. Howard Stern was talented in bringing out the lewdness of his… Continue reading Does Donald Trump Understand Human Compassion?

Life Adventures, Society

The Quiet Kneel that transformed a Nation

The drama that recently unfolded on the NFL field was from Trump's brash, non-related comments from his Alabama speech. Colin Kaepernick had an issue on his heart. That issue could have been for anything. In his case, it was his concern of police brutality and the equality and justice for Afro Americans. He must have… Continue reading The Quiet Kneel that transformed a Nation

Life Adventures, Society

Dialogue between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un.

I looked up "communication styles of great leaders" and found these five traits. * Being a good listener * Friendliness * Empathy * Open-Mindedness * Respect Following is a dialogue between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un. I couldn't resist adding a few lines of my own. Trump: North Korea best not make any more… Continue reading Dialogue between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un.

Jewelry, Life Adventures, Philosophy, Society

Every Knee Shall Bow

Kneeling during our national anthem may be controversial, but it does not show disrespect to our country. I remember refusing to recite every verse of the Apostles creed at a Christian church. I was not being disrespectful. This was my way of expressing my beliefs within the congregation. In the case of NFL free agent… Continue reading Every Knee Shall Bow