Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

2020 Why Mom Deserves a Diamond Award Ceremony

Gallery of Diamonds awarded two Orange County students with a quarter-carat diamond valued at $600 each to give to their mothers in the 28th annual Why Mom Deserves a Diamond® writing contest. Beginning in 1993 in honor of Diamond Mike Watson’s adoptive mother the birth mother he had never known, this year’s contest inspired 12,000… Continue reading 2020 Why Mom Deserves a Diamond Award Ceremony

Gallery of Diamonds, Jewelry, Life Adventures, Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

A Beautiful Experience

The following testimonial is from Heidi Tecklenburg, a winning mom from the 2019 Why Mom Deserves a Diamond contest. Thank you Heidi, for sharing your experience. Rewind to May 2012, when I was 45 years old, I never imagined that I would ever have a child call me MOM other than my 4-legged fur babies.… Continue reading A Beautiful Experience

Adoption, FlyUp!, Gallery of Diamonds, Jewelry, Life Adventures, Philosophy, Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

The Power of Intention

I have proof that if you intensely hold a thought in your head for a long period of time it will become true. In 1993, shortly after I opened Gallery of Diamonds jewelers which now resides in Santa Ana, CA, I began a writing contest for school kids. Since I was adopted as a child… Continue reading The Power of Intention

FlyUp!, Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

Why the Umbrella?

People ask why I bring umbrellas to schools. It is because sometimes one must be dramatic to illustrate a point. When students raise the canopies above their heads, they know it is a symbol they are loved and that they can accomplish anything in life. As the founder of the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond… Continue reading Why the Umbrella?