I'm impatient. I don't enjoy being stopped by a red light. I don't like to be put on hold. I abhor waiting in checkout lines. I seek instant gratification. I love a one-minute thrill. I savor a delicious meal. I delight in a good sneeze. I chase pleasure and avoid pain. I live for the… Continue reading Time
Tag: Raise Your Umbrella
Why the Umbrella?
People ask why I bring umbrellas to schools. It is because sometimes one must be dramatic to illustrate a point. When students raise the canopies above their heads, they know it is a symbol they are loved and that they can accomplish anything in life. As the founder of the Why Mom Deserves a Diamond… Continue reading Why the Umbrella?
Time Traveler
I'm also a time traveler! Yes. I can show you how to be that, too. When you go out at night and see a beautiful star, did you know that you're looking into the past? Because the star is so far away that it takes million of years for the light of the star to… Continue reading Time Traveler
When we admire life from its smallest building block, we see the sum of our hopes, fears, desires, dreams and imagination. That is why it is important to choose our thoughts wisely.
Fly Up! And Self-Actualization
The invention of FlyUp! (for Fully Live Your Unlimited Potential) came shortly after we launched the Raise Your Umbrella school program. The all-inclusiveness of FlyUp! made it an even higher form of Raise Your Umbrella. Many people have heard of Abraham Maslow, who published his 1943 article entitled, A Theory of Human Motivation. The paper… Continue reading Fly Up! And Self-Actualization
Make a promise to yourself.
In my Raise Your Umbrella lecture, these kids promised: I will follow my spark and passion and dreams. I understand that the world will give me anything I ask. I am prepared for a lifetime of success. When we Fully Live Our Unlimited Potential We FLY UP!
Fully Live Your Unlimited Potential. FLY UP!
FlyUp!™ Fully Live Your Unlimited Potential There are so many things that excite me, and sometimes I become enthralled in subjects in what many would call trivial. One day I became fixated on the word combination of "unlimited potential." It was such a positive expression, and seemed to summarize my belief in the awesome capabilities… Continue reading Fully Live Your Unlimited Potential. FLY UP!
Raise Your Umbrella
Career Day at MacArthur Fundamental School in Santa Ana, California. As my staff and I discovered the positive power of increasing a child's confidence and self- esteem from praising their academic accomplishment, the raising of the black and white umbrella became a symbol of this newfound awareness. Why Mom Deserves a Diamond, Inc. had to… Continue reading Raise Your Umbrella