Each of us has a book inside of us and a story to tell. If I ever say we should be thankful I don’t mean we should be thankful just because we were adopted, and we should not be thankful just because society expects us to feel that way. The word “grateful” has become twisted… Continue reading We Must Always Be Thankful
Tag: positive thinking
Think big. Think positive. Think purple.
The human brain is awesome in the way it gives what is asked in earnest. Born as a tiny boutique in 1991, Gallery of Diamonds has grown steadily over the last twenty-three years. I remember the first sale of a gorgeous $200 bracelet. I also remember hiding my excitement because I didn't want the lady… Continue reading Think big. Think positive. Think purple.
Ask In Earnest
When one asks in earnest, it seems that life usually gives us everything we want. It also seems what is not received are things that may not benefit ourselves or others or not needed at that time. As nearly 20,000 Why Mom Deserves a Diamond submissions began to flood our headquarters in 2015, I had… Continue reading Ask In Earnest
Fully Live Your Unlimited Potential. FLY UP!
FlyUp!™ Fully Live Your Unlimited Potential There are so many things that excite me, and sometimes I become enthralled in subjects in what many would call trivial. One day I became fixated on the word combination of "unlimited potential." It was such a positive expression, and seemed to summarize my belief in the awesome capabilities… Continue reading Fully Live Your Unlimited Potential. FLY UP!
Fabulous is Where You Look for it
It was a such a brief moment, but I felt warm inside when my wife smiled at me just before the waitress inserted a fresh rose into the vase on our table. It is impossible for me to see through your eyes. I cannot feel or touch what you feel or touch. I do know… Continue reading Fabulous is Where You Look for it
How to Master the Art of Serenity
Do you want to master the art of inner peace? I discovered this quite by accident, for I was not searching for an ancient secret. Sometimes life's revelations are unveiled when we least expect it. I am so glad I was aware of those precious moments of introspection and stored it somewhere in my brain.The… Continue reading How to Master the Art of Serenity
Know You are a Great Salesperson
There is a commonality among great salespeople: they jump at the chance to help customers! In order to be polite, they sometimes constrain themselves when a customer walks in to give another salesperson a chance. That is because the more skilled a salesperson is with his or her craft, the more excited they are about… Continue reading Know You are a Great Salesperson
The Power of Your Smile
Did you know you can change your world simply with your smile? It's almost impossible to be in a bad mood or hold a grudge if you do this. Great luck, opportunities and friends become attracted to you. Why is this an ancient secret? It is because most people do not understand the awesomeness of… Continue reading The Power of Your Smile
Think and Believe
Look around you. Do you realize that you are where you are because of your very thoughts? I learned this at a young age. When you think about something, and hold that thought in your mind with conviction that it has already happened, it becomes real. If I am truly disclosing an ancient secret, why… Continue reading Think and Believe