Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

2020 Why Mom Deserves a Diamond Award Ceremony

Gallery of Diamonds awarded two Orange County students with a quarter-carat diamond valued at $600 each to give to their mothers in the 28th annual Why Mom Deserves a Diamond® writing contest. Beginning in 1993 in honor of Diamond Mike Watson’s adoptive mother the birth mother he had never known, this year’s contest inspired 12,000… Continue reading 2020 Why Mom Deserves a Diamond Award Ceremony

Why Mom Deserves A Diamond

22nd Annual Diamond Day Announcement

22nd Annual Diamond Day Date: Friday, May 9, 2014 Itinerary: 11:00am (Diamond Winner photographs and Presentation of Roses) 11:30am-12:00pm (Official Ceremony- Media Invited) Gallery of Diamonds will award three Orange County students to receive a quarter-carat diamond valued at $600 each to give to their mothers in the 22nd annual Why Mom Deserves a Diamond®… Continue reading 22nd Annual Diamond Day Announcement