Amazing Today, Life Adventures, Philosophy

You are the Master of Reality

  We can create our world. We can steer our paths, choose our destinies, and control our outcomes. How do we do this? With our thoughts and attitude. I remember when I was convinced I would flunk a test, a friend would not laugh at my joke, a girl would refuse my offer to dance,… Continue reading You are the Master of Reality

FlyUp!, Philosophy

What is Your Priority?

It is interesting how we choose our destinies. To an extent, I think we all understand that we have the power to steer our lives in the direction we want to go. I once remember complimenting the flattering biceps and impressive physique of a young man I hired for my jewelry store years ago. After… Continue reading What is Your Priority?

Gallery of Diamonds, Life Adventures, Philosophy

Thoughts Become Things

In the near future from when this post is written, the southeast corner of our new jewelry store will look like one of these computer illustrations. The first Gallery of Diamonds was established in 1991 in a 700-square foot office. The new store will showcase antique to modern jewelry and my new line of Moon… Continue reading Thoughts Become Things